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Crisis Media Management

Seasoned with two decades of experience as an award winning journalist and two years handling high-profile cases as communication manager for the Lake County State's Attorney's Office, Lee Filas developed a proven track record in guiding organizations through crisis events while under deadline.


During his time in the state's attorney's office, Filas oversaw the crisis media management of: 


- Kyle Rittenhouse arrest after protest shooting in Kenosha

- Lake County State's Attorney's Office files lawsuit against JUUL

- Lake County 5 criminally charged with felony murder 

- Media and communication manager for the Lake County COVID-19 Joint Information Center

- Handled media responses for high-profile Melissa Calusinski and Marni Yang cases on national television


As a reporter, Filas covered major media events: 

- Featured on CNN, CNBC, Fox News national and ABC-7 Chicago regarding the death of Joe Gliniewicz in Fox Lake 

- Appeared as a guest on ABC-7 regularly to discuss Fox Lake flooding and problems at the Antioch Rescue Squad and numerous other issues.

- Covered multiple murders, police involved shootings, fires, protests and high-profile cases, including the nationally recognized Marni Yang, Brown's Chicken, and Melissa Calusinski cases.

- Participated in weekly radio appearances on WKRS.

- Participated in "Over My Dead Body - Fox Lake" for Wondery. The Podcast was ranked the #1 podcast in the world on Oct. 16, 2021. 


Filas answering press questions after Rittenhouse hearing in 2020
American Greed promo on CNBC
The Secret Life of G.I. Joe
Juul lawsuit news conference
Wondery's "Over My Dead Body" listed as #1 in the world
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